Lease Activity Index City

The Lease Activity Index City serves as an essential resource for investors, landlords, and tenants, providing invaluable insights into rental market trends, absorption ratios, and rental statistics across 30 major cities, empowering informed property investment, leasing, and renting decisions.

Lease Activity Index City: A Comprehensive Guide to Rental Statistics and the Absorption Ratio

Welcome to our in-depth analysis of the Lease Activity Index City, a cutting-edge tool for understanding residential lease market trends in 30 major cities. This page will provide you with valuable insights into the current state of the rental market by examining key indicators such as:

  • Lease Activity Index
  • Rental Statistics
  • Lease Absorption Ratio

Lease Activity Index: A Snapshot of the Rental Market

The Lease Activity Index is a valuable formula that offers a clear picture of the rental market's performance. By calculating the percentage of Pending / (Active + Pending) leases, the index allows you to gauge how quickly rental properties are being absorbed by the market.

Here's a quick breakdown of the terms used in the formula:

  1. Pending: The number of leases that are currently under negotiation or awaiting approval.
  2. Active: The number of available rental properties on the market.

In essence, a higher Lease Activity Index score indicates a more dynamic rental market with a faster turnover rate. Conversely, a lower score suggests a slower-paced market with potentially stagnant growth.

Rental Statistics: Key Data for Informed Decisions

For a comprehensive understanding of the rental market, it's crucial to examine various rental statistics. These figures provide invaluable context for the Lease Activity Index and can be used to identify trends or opportunities within specific cities. Some essential rental statistics to consider include:

  • Average rent prices
  • Vacancy rates
  • Rental unit supply and demand
  • Rental market growth rate
  • Population growth and demographics

Lease Absorption Ratio: Evaluating Market Health

The Lease Absorption Ratio is a crucial metric derived from the Lease Activity Index. It measures the rate at which rental properties are being leased in a given market, providing a valuable indicator of market health. A higher absorption ratio implies a thriving rental market with high demand, while a lower ratio suggests weaker demand and potential oversupply.

To calculate the Lease Absorption Ratio for a specific city, simply divide the number of Pending leases by the sum of Active and Pending leases, as shown in the Lease Activity Index formula.

Top 30 Cities: Exploring the Lease Activity Index and Absorption Ratios

Above is a list of the top 30 cities featured on our Lease Activity Index City page, complete with their respective absorption ratios. By analyzing the Lease Activity Index and absorption ratios for these cities, you can make more informed decisions about your rental property investments, identify emerging markets, and spot potential opportunities for growth.


The Lease Activity Index City is an indispensable tool for anyone involved in the residential rental market. By tracking the index, rental statistics, and lease absorption ratios for 30 major cities, you can better understand market trends and make well-informed decisions about your investments. Stay ahead of the curve by leveraging these essential insights and capitalizing on opportunities in the ever-evolving rental market